Thursday, December 25, 2008

Can you dance with me?

Cause if you can't, I'm impossible to hold on to.

I have noticed, I'm really sporadic... I like being able to jump from thing to thing. I like challenges. I like puzzles and figuring things out. I like simple things for complicated reasons. I love having little tiny adventures each day. I love learning new things. I want someone to be able to join me in this search for everything the world has to offer.

Life is a dance. The beauty and grace of how each day flows into another must be reciprocated by our own movements. To merely stand still or perform a set of repetitive moves makes the dance limited and boring. I want to be tossed and spun around by life. I'm probably the least graceful person I know, but mistakes and falls create their own beauty. They make this dance ours in a way that no one else could perform it. So I hope to be able to let go and get lost in the music.

Monday, December 01, 2008

What a day.

Happy birthday to me. Guess what my present is? Fixing my car. :( Here's the low down.

I'm driving back to St. Louis from home, and everything is all good. I stop by the Columbia mall to run to the bathroom and stretch my legs. I come back out and start up my car. It starts with this awful grinding noise. I turn off my car and start it again. Grrrrrriiiiiinnnnnnnd. :( I call my mom and she helps me figure out what to do. I check the oil. Fine. I turn on the car and hold out my phone for my mom to hear the noise. She didn't like it either, so I called a friend of mine that lives here in Columbia. He came and we were able to drive the car a short distance to a repair shop. I spent the night with my friend's family, and went to the repair shop around 8 this morning. I've been here about 3 hours now. First off, my A/C Compressor locked up. In order to fix this you have to replace the part which is not cheap. Ok well... if we can get it fixed and get me back on the road, then it'll be ok. Well, there's a hole in my exhaust and my gasket cover is leaking. Fine, fix those too. Ok so, we have to order a part from out of town because your engine doesn't match any of the parts in town. Fine, whatever. The part comes in. Oh.... it doesn't fit. Ok so we can fix everything else, find a belt to bypass the part and that'll get you home. You just won't have A/C. I'll have to bring my car back in when I come in two weeks for the junior youth animator training. They'll have the right part for me then, and I won't have to spend $1000 for the dealer to fix it. Man. What a birthday. :/