Thursday, September 20, 2007

Personal Statement

So, for college application it is highly recommended, if not required, to write an essay or a personal statement. The college that would be ideal for me to apply to requires that the essay be of my choosing. This doesn't sit well with my mind. I like at least a little bit of order. I like a little bit of guideline and THEN the rest is up to me, but NO! The entire thing is up to me. I think it's not so much that I can't think of anything to write about because there's plenty of me that I can talk about, but none of it seems essay worthy to me. I don't know.... It's just really odd talking about myself. I could tell them all they wanted if they just gave me some questions. Blech.

1 comment:

Sonja said...

Oh my gosh! I know exactly how you feel! I went through this exact same thing with my senior honors project that I have to do for graduation. It's like ok, you decide what you want to do, who you want to work with, the where, when, why, and how. I don't work that way! I need someone to lay it out for me first and then I can expand on it. You should write something about your pilgrimage to Israel, or some other event in your life that you think changed you, made you a better person/leader, etc. I think that'd be a really good essay. I did mine on my trip to Germany, and just talked about how I grew over the experience. Apparently it was good enough, becuase I got into the! Anyway, good luck with all that! I'm so glad I don't have to go through all that again.